A couple of miles north of where I live in West Vancouver I discovered the Millstream Trail. It's not a long trail, but does go through a really great wooded area. Furthermore, the walk to the trail was awesome, but for completely different reasons. Finally, to top it off, the trail comes out at a great spot overlooking the whole of Vancouver! But let's start at the beginning; about 2 walking minutes north of my place is Highway 1, and just beyond it is the neighbourhood known as "British Properties"

The houses in this residential area are just amazing. If I had mountains of cash and wanted to move to Canada on a permanent basis, I'd want to live here for sure!

Not only are the houses awesome, but the view of Vancouver you would have from your window is staggering! I doubt it would ever get boring.

So, after an hour of admiring the homes of Vancouver's ridiculously rich I came to the trail in question. In case you want to know, the trail starts at the intersection of Millstream Road and Eyremount Drive.

The trail begins to the right of this signpost, just beyond the house you can see in the background.
A few days before I took this walk there had been a lot of snow, and the trail was still covered in it. Also, the streams were partly frozen. I'm glad I chose a warm day to do this one.

I was actually pleased when I read the warning sign for the trail. The line "This property is presently an undeveloped wilderness in its natural state" was exactly what I wanted. I just hope areas like this stay the way they are.

That said, I was a little dismayed when I came across an obstacle to my journey. I called this obstacle "The Fail Bridge". The bridge across a small stream had collapsed and been taped off.

However, this did not stop me, and I found a way across the stream a few metres up from the bridge. Fail bridge failed again, ha! So I continued on the trail and was happy to find that the other bridges had not gone the same way as the first.

As mentioned before the trail ended at a great little spot overlooking Vancouver called the "Hi-view Lookout". The view was amazing, and you could see for miles and miles!

In this pic (from top to bottom) is the sky, Vancouver, Downtown Vancouver, Stanley Park, the Burrard Inlet, West Vancouver and some trees. You can also see Vancouver Island from this point, but the sun was in that direction, and I doubt any photos would have come out very well even if it hadn't been.
So after some time admiring the view I set off back along the trail and home, where I ate straight away as I stupidly didn't think to pack a lunch and was rather peckish by the time I got back.