Recently two work colleagues from Safeway and myself went up the "Grouse Grind". This is basically a steep path up to the resort near the top of Grouse Mountain; one of Vancouver's local peaks.
Even though the path is very steep, it isn't overly long. We completed the ascent in about 90 minutes. However, the record is something like 25 minutes!
So you know how you're progressing there are markers at quarter intervals.
Once we finally reached the top we sat down and had a coffee (don't get to do that when going up mountains usually), and then took a stroll around the top. There was plenty of snow around, which gave the place an almost enchanting feel. However, the most exciting thing was the bears, and thanks to an electric fence between us we could get pretty damned close! Then there were the reindeer, not as exciting, but still a first for me.
After watching some Christmas singers in the resort we took the aerial tramway back down to base of the mountain. On the way down we were treated to a spectacular view of Vancouver.
And finally, what you've all been waiting for, the video. Be careful, it's a long one!
Hey Dylan, great video! And 90 minutes for the first time up the Grind is great :)